What would your life look like, if you acted from pure love?

It’s possible to change. I know, because I have done it. Before I was self conscious and afraid. Now I look into the mirror and say: I LOVE you.
That changed my life completely.
I invite you to BE YOU  and include the most beautiful and powerful of all: Your sexual power. Join me with playfulness and ease. 

FREE Self love meditation

Here is a free meditation to support your self love, with love from your Swedish love warrior Charlotte Cronquist.

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You can be love. It’s just a heartbeat away.

I longed so much for connection, for feeling worthy, for being accepted. I had forgot my own value. I sold it out to others. What would happen if you felt love from within? If you really loved yourself? What happened to me was that I met a world of loving people. Self love was the key, to receive, give and share love. And it also helped me to have the courage to feel my sexual power. I can hold your hand while you do your inner journey towards love, connection, pleasure and self love.

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What could you give to the world if you owned your sexual power?

Shame and guilt make you shrink. As does fear. Many of us has fear of rejection, fear of missing out, fear of being ridiculed, fear of dying. What if your fears are just something in your head? What would happen if you “met” your fears in a soft, curious and friendly way? When it comes to sexuality, relating and intimacy there are lots of taboos, shaming and guilt. That’s one of the reasons why it’s so worthwhile to heal wounds, and meet fear in those areas. Because when you heal the most intimate, it will have repercussions in other parts of your live. I was able to do this and my world changed. It was like I was re-born, I feel free again and the nice part is I don’t have to exclude my fears or be afraid of them anymore. I know how to be with them, in that soft way like a friend would be there when I needed them.

“When I was free to feel my sexual power something magic happened. The world turned into a better place. My creativity blossomed. And I was happier. Sexuality is an important key to an abundant life.”

— Charlotte Cronquist, Swedish love warrior