You are love. This is how I can serve you
Learn more self love
When you long for a life filled with love, creativity and freedom, it’s good to start with yourself.
Self love is the key to a life filled with joy, energy and desire. So let’s start there.
It’s time to BE YOU
I can serve you with coaching, meditations, Youtube clips, to make it easier for you to love and accept yourself.
And remember, you are perfect as you are.
Scroll further down in the page, to learn more about coaching, and book a try out-session if you like.
Be more playful
When you want to flourish, to be you for real, and include everything in you, it might be scary and trigger shame and guilt. I can hold your hand, while you explore your inner world, and transform fear to love. And I invite your playfulness, when meeting yourself.
One of my skills is to talk openly about sexuality, pleasure and love. I would love to see you flourish - enjoying being you and creating space also for the most intimate. Where do you want to be a year from now?
I have also created Playful tantra - in Swedish there is a book, an online-course and workshops. When the world allow it, I will offer Playful tantra workshops in English.
Spread love to others
What would your life look like, if you acted from love?
Love is contagious. When you are filled with self love, you can both give love to others, and are able to receive love.
My aim is to serve you and others with messages of love, that can lead to you being inspired to sense that you are love, learn more about love, and be present with love. And of course also to enjoy pleasure.
I intend to give inspirational talks as the Swedish love warrior. Until then, listen to my work in English.
There are my youtube clips, my podcast and me being a guest in other podcasts.
YOU are important
Does it happen that you feel lost, confused, lazy or unmotivated? Do you long for something else? Do you long for joy, peace and trust in yourself? Do you long for intimacy, love and pleasure? Do you need tools to make your life work better ?
You are here to BE YOU, and I can support you as a coach. I can be part of your journey towards more love, clarity, awareness and freedom.
I meet YOU with an open mind and heart, and listen with warmth to your challenges and what you aim at. Together we can meet your fears, your struggles and find more ease and relaxation.I see YOU as a person with dreams and a willingness to find your authenticity, your truth and your abundant resources. Together with me you can meet the most intimate, vulnerable and scary. Because I am on the same journey as you. I am ready to receive YOU.
You are safe with me
Trust and respecting boundaries are crucial to me. What you say stays with me. I am here to serve you. If you want to be challenged in the coaching, I will challenge you in different ways - and the purpose of challenging you, is to be there with you, with your feelings and emotions, with your sensations, and to celebrate your insights and new steps in life
How we meet
We meet on Zoom (and no worries, I’ll guide you). Every session starts with a short meditation, for you to land in your body. And then YOU decide what is important in the moment. I am there as a listener, a coach and a loving witness.