“Experience your aliveness”
Komala Lyra
I have always met Komala Lyra in exotic places - at least from my perspective. The first meeting happened on an island in the Greek archipelago, sitting together on a big boat by the blue Aegean sea, smalltalking and sunbathing among a bunch of tantric people.
I remember a meditation she led one of the days, where we started out in stillness and silence and suddenly became aware of the aliveness in the body. A little piece of magic.
And to me Komala is magic. She is tantra. She has lived tantra whole her grown up life. And now she travels the world, teaching the art of being conscious about the movement, the art of being alive, from the core and out, the art of silence and stillness. The art of being.
She says that she is grateful to all who share love, sincerity, vulnerability, touch, aliveness, silence, and presence with me. She has also been offering educational programs embracing Ayurveda-Yoga-Tantra as foundation for exploration in consciousness, health, sexuality, and meditation, for the last 30 years.
One of her aims is to meet women, and help us to experience our aliveness and being aware of our patterns, our strategies, and, with that awareness, we have a possibility to make choices. So she's done trainings for women for decades, as well as tantra courses for all. One of her assignments is to be a facilitator for the International School of Temple arts, and I see her do courses under that flag all over the planet.
We met in Goa, India, in February 2018. She had been one of the workshopleaders at a tantrafestival and we met a lazy morning when all the participants had left. In this podcast you will hear the sounds of India. We were sitting in the shade in a magnificent garden, people passing by and persons working in the garden.
I am so happy that it's time to share our meeting, and that you also have the possibility to recognize a glimpse of the energy of Mother India.