What if it’s possible to walk and work with ease?
I’ve been a ghost writer in some projects. Meeting important and successful men, good at their craft, and needing help with the writing.
And they often talk of the necessity of working hard, or harder, to be successful. On the other hand they stress the importance of rest, and to charge the batteries now and then, to not be burned out.
From my perspective their main theme is still the hard work. It could be like the Robin Sharma mantra ”Start your day at 5 am, and you will succeed”.
And I’ve worked at places where the people who spends most time there, gets applause, even if they don’t produce more than others.
Since I had my first child at 25, and he was in daycare, I needed to be strict with my hours. I was there exactly on time, arriving on time and leaving on time. And I produced more than my share. Actually I was very productive, as I was really focusing working, not small talking with my colleges.
And I felt it unfair that I was seen as the lazy one, while the people hanging around for hours, drinking coffee, was praised for their presence.
What I saw, sand sometimes still see, is an idea around working hard, working long hours, efforting, sacrificing family and friends, seems like something many stress as the key to success. ”I came to work one hour before everyone else, and then I was there one hour after everyone had left for the day.”
I really dislike this idea. To me it’s sign of a paternalistic society, with rules that might fit men and not women. That fit the idea of how a father acts (work a lot) and a mother (having responsibility for work, home and children). With that philosophy it’s hard for a woman/mother to be successful.
Well. Except for just ”doing my hours” when I was employed, and later having restricted hours, due to motherhood, I have worked hard and made efforts within that framework.
Some twenty years ago I needed a change, and found meditation. And making meditation a relaxing part of my daily life, something within started to change. I tried to be creative with ease, not forcing myself to do things. It’s not about laziness, or waiting for inspiration, is something else. I think it has to do with an insight. I work better when at ease. I can produce a lot when at ease. And sometimes I need to say stop, and rest. It’s like I am aware that I have to be careful with how I use my energy, and use it well, and with as much ease as possible (and not making this stressful either - I mean that could also become a mindfuck ”I should really work with ease, is this happening, am I stressing, what if I am stressed, what if…”)
So this is the attitude in here. I could be here 24/7 and be super stressed. There are so many opportunities, so many possible connections, feedback, insights. So much interesting creative work is done here… So I need to choose. Sometimes my choices are a bit random, and sometimes the choices are more active. So be it.
And slowly I notice changes. I notice bursts of energy from spending time here everyday. The prompts make me analyze things I have ”fled” from. I get clearer with what I do here, and what my aim is. And I will let it grow, by itself, and with what I am experience here, and with help of allt the friends/peers here, that gives response to my work.
Yesterday i bought the domain lovewarrior.me 1
And then I started to work on it in Squarespace, where I have my other website. It’s not public yet. I don’t really know what I will fill it with. I do know that this will be my first website in English. I know I am going to post blogposts there, podcast episodes in English. And I want to experiment with the lovewarrior. How can she serve an English speaking person? What do I want to serve with? (Well some of it I know), but I really want this to grow organically and with ease, within the timeframe for the workshop. And I am really really curious about the result