What if I can learn something from my anger?
What if I can learn something from my anger?
I am seldom angry.
And I am seldom angry for a long time.
At the same time anger can come with haste. And if I am not aware, there is a risk of being kidnapped by my primal brain.
And in this moment there is anger in my system. And it has with me to do. And I am trying to figure out why this anger is here. Am I disappointed? Do I feel used? Is there something still unidentifiable lingering here. Is the anger trying to tell me something or learn me something?
When walking on this inner journey, this ongoing voyage, there might also be traps along the way. Traps when it comes to ideas or ways of thinking. It’s like different ways to see the world is allowed in different cultures or subcultures.
And one of the things I often say is that:
I own my feelings.
I am responsible for the way I express my feelings.
It’s irresponsible to blurt out my feelings on another being - even if I am angry with it.
Many feelings are projections.
And when I am getting angry, or irritated, I am always looking at ways of handling the situation, not to blame anyone else on my mood, feelings or emotions.
But sometimes I wonder if that is totally true.
What if there could be reason for anger?
What if there is a possibility for me to be non-judgmental when it comes to my own feelings or moods?
What if its sometimes is okay to be angry?
And when writing this I see my little girl inside. She who couldn’t or wouldn’t cry. She who choose anger, which was an accepted emotion in the family, while sadness wasn’t.
And I look at a moment at my anger. I listen to it. I take contact with my heart. And my mind. And some of the different energy points in the body. What is going on inside? What will I hear if I listen really close, and listen with compassion?
Little Charlotte, what do you need in this moment?
What do you really need? You do have right to needs, you know? You are a human being with needs. Allow the needs to be there. Let them walk you through this. One breath at a time.